SSI Institutional Review Board
What We Do
In accordance with the “Research involving Human Subject: Guidelines for IRBs” released by the Bioethics Advisory Committee (BAC) in November 2004, SSI-IRB was formalised in 2012 to safeguard the rights, welfare and safety of human research subjects involved in SSI’s research programmes. The SSI-IRB is also compliant to the Ministry of Health’s Human Biomedical Research (HBR) framework.
SSI Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The SSI-IRB is comprised of a Chairperson and 9 members from Sport Singapore (SportSG), as well as external agencies/institutions involved in Sport Science, for a 2-year term. The list of the current SSI-IRB members (commencing October 2023 to 30 September 2025) is shown below:
Dr Ivy Lim
Associate Consultant
Changi Sports Medicine Centre
Changi General Hospital
Dr Jason Chia
Head & Senior Consultant
Sports Medicine & Surgery Clinic
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
A/Prof. Chow Jia Yi
Associate Dean
Programme & Student Development
National Institute of Education
Mr Matthew James Wylde
Sport Science
National Youth Sports Institute
Mr Lau Kok Keng
Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Dr Alex Ong
Assistant Director / Principal Lecturer
Capability Development / Industry
Republic Polytechnic
Dr Suriya Prakaash
Head, Soldier Development Branch
Centre of Excellence for Soldier Performance
Ministry of Defence
Dr Low Chee Yong
Sport Science and Medicine Centre
Singapore Sport Institute
Dr Abdul Rashid Aziz
Senior Technical Staff, Sport Physiology
Sport Science and Medicine Centre
Singapore Sport Institute
Dr Danny Lum
Team Lead, Strength and Conditioning
Sport Science and Medicine Centre
Singapore Sport Institute
Quorum for IRB Meeting
At least 5 Members present
1 Chairman
1 External Layperson
Contact Us
Please contact us for any queries:
Review Process and Timeline
Application Process
The flowchart below shows the typical process and timeline involved for each application submitted to SSI-IRB. Do note that delays to approval can occur. Some of the common examples causing delay include:
Incomplete submissions (Missing necessary documents, forms etc.)
Clarifications and queries from the IRB to be addressed

Amendment Process
Researcher should be requesting for amendment when there is a change in:
Protocol (design, methodology, procedures, etc.)*
Number of participants and/or selection criteria
Recruitment materials (flyers, emails, compensation, etc.)*
Study materials (surveys, questionnaires, etc.)*
Consent form*
Research personnel
Please ensure that all revised/new documents are submitted to SSI-IRB with the changes highlighted.

Research Monitoring
The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible to provide a status update to the SSI-IRB Secretariat every 6 months (the last week of January and July each year). SSI-IRB Secretariat will provide email reminders when the reporting date is due. Click here for more information on Periodic Update of Research.
Contact Us
Please contact us for any queries: