Sport Nutrition

Our Sport Nutrition team recognises that food isn’t just a recipe for health, but the key ingredient to supporting peak performance. They appreciate the amazing qualities of food and strive to elevate Team Singapore through translating evidence-based science into practice with athletes, coaches, and National Sporting Associations.
Our Sport Nutrition team adopts a “Food-First” approach for all athletes, which prioritises whole foods over supplements. As compared to highly refined supplements, foods contain a wider variety of beneficial nutrients that promote the health and performance of athletes. Where appropriate, the team educates athletes on safe and proven supplement use to gain a competitive edge.
A major task of our Sport Dietitians is educating athletes on nutrition strategies to optimise training adaptations and achieve peak performance through proper fueling and recovery across their training cycle. This is necessary as nutritional needs vary according to training phases, and helping athletes and coaches understand this is a key first step. The team also works with athletes to improve sleep and advise on travel nutrition to ensure that they are properly fueled on the go.
On top of professional development to keep updated on scientific developments in nutrition, the team also conducts research and collaborates with local and overseas universities to identify cutting-edge science suitable for use with our athletes.
The support provided by our Sport Nutrition team include:
Dietary assessment, counselling, and menu planning
Analysis of diets, recipes, and food records
Anthropometric profiling (an assessment of body composition)
Practical skill development such as including cooking skills and understanding food labels
Interactive and targeted education such as talks and workshops
Application of evidence-based research in new training methods, products and strategies to enhance athletic performance