Sport Singapore to Introduce Refreshed Membership and Booking Platform in June
MyActiveSG+ aims to provide members with a fairer & more transparent system for facility booking and more user centric features
Members to receive $10 ActiveSG Anniversary Credits upon logging in to the platform
SINGAPORE, 3 MAY 2024 – Coming off ActiveSG’s 10th year anniversary celebrations last month, Sport Singapore (“SportSG”) will be introducing a refreshed web-based membership and booking platform, MyActiveSG+, to its members from 15 June.
2 Throughout the years, SportSG has been taking in feedback regarding the current system and incorporating changes where possible. Most recently it has incorporated the security CAPTCHA on its Membership Management System (“MMS”) to prevent scripting and other preventive measures like bot detection, in response to feedback regarding scalpers gaming the system.
3 As part of its continued efforts to ensure that members have easy and fair access to the booking of public sport facilities and programmes, and to cater to members changing habits and demands, SportSG will replace the current 10-year-old MMS. MyActiveSG+ contains features developed from feedback and observations from MMS users over the years, as well as from the recently piloted ActiveSG Beta[1], which was introduced to members on a trial basis since 1 March 2024.
4 ActiveSG members can look forward to the following updates on MyActiveSG+:
a. A fairer and more transparent system for booking facilities
Singpass app verification: Members are required to use Singpass for sign up and login to MyActiveSG+. This feature:
prevents people from holding multiple accounts for booking and balloting;
addresses the feedback from members having to compete for slots with people who hold multiple accounts created using email address, or bots and scripters.
Peak hour[2] facility ballot: MyActiveSG+ will have a balloting feature for peak hour slots that remains open for 24 hours, 14 days prior to date of play (D-14, closing at 11.59pm), to allow everyone to have a fair chance of booking their preferred slot, with ample time for consideration, and without having to worry about missing a booking window.
Confirmation of slots. After the ballot results are released the next day, by 12pm, members with successful ballots will be given till 11.59pm (on D-13) to pay to confirm their slots.
Unassigned slots from the peak-hour balloting exercise will be released for booking on a first-come-first-served basis at 12pm the next day (D-12) i.e. 12 days before the date of use, along with all other slots (i.e. non-peak hour slots).
As of end-April, close to 30% of confirmed bookings done through balloting on ActiveSG Beta were by members who did not book a facility in the past year.
b. User-centric features
Web-based platform: The web-based platform will keep users up-to-date at all times and across devices. Users will no longer need to install and regularly update an app on their mobile devices.
Easy-to-navigate user interface: MyActiveSG+ features a more intuitive navigation, cleaner layout, and utilises a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to different devices, whether mobile or web.
Seamless linking of children through supplementary accounts: Parents or legal guardians will soon be able to link their children (who are below 15 years old) to both their accounts through Singpass. In time to come, ActiveSG will be introducing ‘family accounts’ on the new platform.
Refunds and cancellations [3]: ActiveSG is developing a new “Refunds and Cancellations” feature to be rolled out at a later stage in direct response to public feedback.
5 “Sport Singapore is committed to ensuring that ActiveSG members have access to public sport facilities, and are able to do so with ease on a secure platform. We are thankful for our members’ feedback over the years regarding our current app, which we have taken on-board when we started planning for MyActiveSG+ in 2022. We are also grateful for our 2,000 members who came forward to help us with the Beta version, including the balloting feature, and are heartened by their positive feedback on its clean and easy-to-navigate interface. Given this, we have decided to roll out MyActiveSG+ to members in a progressive manner from June 2024. This is to ensure that we give time for our members to familiarise themselves with the new app, and also give ourselves room to make further adjustments based on usage patterns and more feedback from our members as additional features are progressively introduced,” said Alan Goh, CEO, Sport Singapore.
6 MyActiveSG+ is developed in partnership with Open Government Products (“OGP”), and supported by the Government Technology Agency of Singapore (“GovTech”). ActiveSG has been working with OGP and GovTech to build, test and improve ActiveSG Beta. Since the start of development, the team has consulted, considered feedback, and observed usage patterns of over 2,000 citizens.
7 Since its introduction in March, ActiveSG has steadily increased the number of facilities available for booking on ActiveSG Beta so more members can onboard, try the new platform, and provide feedback on an ongoing basis. The transition to MyActiveSG+ from 15 June will take on a similar progressive approach.
8 The following key implementation milestones are:
From 15 June: Members can start to login to MyActiveSG+. As part of ActiveSG’s 10th anniversary celebrations, members who login anytime between 15 June and 31 August will receive a one-time top up of $10 ActiveSG Anniversary Credits.
From 15 July: All facilities and programmes[4] will be available for booking on MyActiveSG+.
From 15 August: Seasonal and day passes to swimming pools and gyms are available for purchase.
While all key features will be available on MyActiveSG+ by 15 August, the current system will remain accessible till 1 October 2024.
9 Members’ ActiveSG Credits will be migrated in batches from the existing system to MyActiveSG+ between 15 and 30 June. During this period:
Users of the existing system may continue to pay for bookings and purchases using credit/debit card.
Users of MyActiveSG+ may continue to pay for bookings and purchases using credit/debit card and PayNow.
The $10 ActiveSG Anniversary credits can also be used to offset bookings on MyActiveSG+.
Members will be able to start using their ActiveSG Credits on MyActiveSG+ by 1 July. In addition, there will be an automatic extension of all ActiveSG credits to 31 December 2025.
10 Active Wallet - MyCash will be decommissioned in mid-August. Top-up from MyCash will cease on 15 May. From now till 14 August, ActiveSG members with MyCash balance in their Active Wallet can continue to utilise it as per normal. Any remaining MyCash funds will be refunded to users via Paynow-NRIC-linked bank account by 31 August.
11 Members may refer to for information about the transition to MyActiveSG+.
12 ActiveSG understands that some members may have queries on the new MyActiveSG+ or may need technical support. ActiveSG will be ramping up support for users during this transition period, such as having on-site assistance at sport centres, as well as extended contact centre operating hours, reachable at 1800 344 1177. These will be in addition to the standard feedback channels available online:
13 ActiveSG would like to thank its members for their patience and understanding during this transition.
[1] Introduced on 1 March, ActiveSG Beta is the beta version of the upcoming booking system that includes a new balloting feature for peak hour slots. Users of the ActiveSG Beta would receive a one-off $5 ActiveSG credit if they tried out the beta version between 1 March and 14 June 2024.
[2] Peak hour is from 6pm - 10pm on Mondays to Fridays, and from 7am - 10pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
[3] Cancellations and refunds: At present, cancellations, replacements and refunds are not allowed once a booking is confirmed, except in situations where the booking becomes ‘unplayable’, e.g. due to rain-off, haze, ActiveSG initiated cancellation or closure of facilities.
[4] Booking window opens 14 days in advance from date of facility use or programme commencement. For example, members can book programmes that start on 15 July from 1 July.