Accredited Standard First Aid with AED Courses
Coaches may encounter incidences of emergency or injury during the course of coaching. Thus it is essential that coaches are trained in the knowledge and skills in Standard First Aid, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and usage of Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This will better prepare coaches for emergency situations and manage the risks involved in sports coaching.
Sport Singapore requires all NROC-registered coaches to have a valid Standard First Aid certificate. The Standard First Aid course should include both theoretical examination and practical assessment including AED, CPR and bandaging of wounds, as stipulated by Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC).
The SRFAC accredits Standard First Aid (SFA) Courses by various training centres. The objective of this process is to ensure they have met the requirements for training facilities and training standards. We regret that we will not be able to accredit other first aid courses in view of the different course content and contextualization.
Please refer to the SRFAC's website at for the latest list of valid and accredited SFA training centres. You may refer to the image below for reference.
Please note to check the "License Expiry" of each training centre (see image below).

Please note that Standard First Aid (SFA), CPR and AED courses (including refresher courses) will NOT be awarded Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours as these are considered standard requirement for coaches.
For any other matters related to the NROC, please email